Sikh American Float 2015

"A Sikh American Journey-I"

The float highlights Sikh American history in the United States, and over 125 years of contributions to American society. The Sikh American story speaks to American ideals, such as a dedication to family, hard and honest work, and an enterprising spirit.  

The first structure is of the Stockton Gurdwara, the first Sikh house of worship that was established in the United States, 102 years ago. A cornucopia and a locomotive represents Sikh Americans who were laborers and farmers in 1903. 

The community members featured on the float  represent Sikh community’s diversity and values. Americans who have dedicated their lives to serving all of America in some way, including men and women who are members of California-based police forces, the national Army, a film student at Chapman University, civil rights advocates and Sikh youth who are proud Boy Scout and Girl Scout members.

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