Sikh Float Rose Parade 2019

Rose Parade Theme 2019:

“Melody of Life: Celebrates Music – The Universal Language”

Music has the power to not only bring us together but take us back to memories and moments as nothing else can. Music heals us. Defines us. Reminds us, and inspires us to be our greater selves. Rhythm, melody, harmony, and color all come together to create the soundtrack that defines our lives.

Sikh American Float 2019 : “A Divine Melody Resonates in All

The upcoming 2019 Sikh Float will feature ancient musical instrument known as, “RABAB”. This particular musical instrument has a great deal of historical connotation. In the year 1500, Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, was moved by the plight of the world. Thus, dedicated himself to spreading message of peace and compassion to all of mankind. He travelled 17,400 miles by foot, in all four directions, to bring this message to the masses. During his journey, he crossed cultural and linguistic barriers through the universal language of music. He sang the praises of one loving God in classical raagas (a complex structure of musical melody used in India) to touch millions of souls and revive the spirit of humanity. This musical tradition has continued since the past five hundred years.

 Sikhs believe that a beautiful melody of love, wisdom and compassion dwells in every creation of the universe. Together, we produce an eternal cosmic symphony called “Naad”.