About us

We are Sikh Americans who believe that through our participation in the prestigious “Rose Parade of Pasadena”, we can spread awareness, foster understanding and initiate dialogue about who Sikhs are and what the Turban stands for.

Our Mission 

Each year Sikh American Float shares Sikh values, beliefs and history with over 50 million viewers world wide

Through education, we strive towards creating a community where Sikhs, and other religious minorities may freely practice their faith without bias and discrimination.

We envision a United States where Sikh Americans are respected and recognized as a vibrant and integral part of the fabric of this nation and are appreciated for our shared values of service, social justice, and an unshakeable belief in freedom and equality for all.

Our Team

Maninder Minu Singh

Secretary / Creative Director

Jagdeep Singh

Treasurer / Volunteer Director

Bhajneet Singh

Press and Media Director

Bharpur Takhar

Advisor to the Board